Manure Management
The Basics of Manure Management Requirements

All farming operations that land apply manure or agricultural process wastewater, whether they generate the manure or import it from another operation, must have a written Manure Management Plan. All farming operations that include an Animal Concentration Area (ACA) or pasture must have a written Manure Management Plan.
For farms not defined as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) or Concentrated Animal Operations (CAOs), Manure Management Plans can be prepared by the farmer, although the farmer may benefit from getting assistance by those trained and experienced in developing plans. Manure Management Plans do not have to be submitted for approval but must be kept on the farm and made available upon request.
It should be noted that farms defined as CAFOs or as CAOs are required to develop more detailed written plans, called Nutrient Management Plans. These plans must be developed by a Certified Nutrient Management Specialist and submitted to the local county conservation district for review and approval.
Pennsylvania Chapter 91 regulations address pollution control and prevention at agricultural operations. Section 91.36 of the regulations refers to the Manure Management Manual (MMM) as containing standards for development of a Manure Management Plan. The MMM is available to assist farmers to develop a written Manure Management Plan. A farmer can use a plan different than the MMM, but they then must get DEP review and approval.